Learn better in your

We are India's only live class platform that teaches students of the state board syllabus in regional language.
Learning made accessible and available for all.

  • Live lectures daily
  • Expert educators
  • Start @ ₹300/ month
Built for State board syllabus and exams
Why Learn with class chalo

Learning made simple for all

Our educators will hand hold you to master your subjects. Review and revise your lessons in your own pace and time.

Live lectures

Live lecture sessions every day for one hour. Covers topics from your school syllabus.

Recorded lectures

Revisit, review and revise your classroom sessions at your own pace and time.


Topic-wise continuous tests and monthly assessments. Multiple practice tests at regular intervals.

Online support

Chat-based interactive support during classes and every-day post class hours.

Browse Courses

What do you want to learn today?

Attend daily online classes taught by India's best teachers to master your school syllabus.

World-class Instructors

Classes Taught by Best Educators in India with incredible experience

Class Chalo's teachers are icons, experts, and rock stars educators excited to share their experience, wisdom, knowledge and trusted tools with you.



3 Courses
7 Years of Exp


Social Science

6 Courses
5 Years of Exp



4 Courses
4 Years of Exp

James Davies

Web Developer and Designer

3,896 Students
5 Courses

Become an Instructor

Top instructors from around India teach thousands of students at Class Chalo. We provide the tools and skills to teach your students.


We expect our teachers to do just one thing - uplift our students. So we try and get remuneration out of their mind.

Inspire students

Help students learn new topics, skills and concepts and advance their learning curve significantly. Inspire them to succeed..

Join our community

Take advantage of our active community of instructors to help you through your course creation process.


Don’t just take our word for it.

1000+ students are already learning at Class Chalo

Join more than thousands of learners across India scripting their destiny

Effective learning starts with concepts taught in mother tongue. Learning something new is hard work—Class Chalo makes it easier.